I supervise students at any stage of their career (BSc, MSc, PhD) in the topics below.
Categorical Logic and Logic.
Category theory and Formal Category Theory.
Categorical semantics of Type Theory.
Interactions between Logic and Geometry.
Categorical approaches to Geometry and Topology.
If you have some topic to suggest, feel free to contact me with any idea of yours, we will evaluate it together. You can also browse a list of suggested readings .
I am willing to supervise students that are not based at Gothenburg University. To contact me, please send me an email. In order to make my life easier, make sure to include the word THSUP in the subject.
PhD students:
Errol Yuksel, side project for his PhD studies on topos theoretic Galois theory. PhD (M). Stockholm University. Joint with Peter Lumsdaine. Ongoing.
Master students:
Frank Tsai, Semantics of Normalization results. MSc (Logic). Gothenburg University. Ongoing.
Alessio Zaninotto, Boolean-valued models of Set Theory. MSc (Logic). Gothenburg University. Ongoing.
Jonathan Osser, Categorical semantics of type theories. MSc (Logic). Institute of Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam. Ongoing.
Guido Boccali, Classifying topoi, generic semantics, and Morita theory. MSc (Philosophy). University of Torino. Spring 2025.
Bachelor students:
Jonathan Osser, Exploring the Mathematical Multiverse, a brief overview of Elementary Topoi and their Internal Language. BSc (M). Stockholm University. Spring 2023. Joint with Anders Mortberg.
Kento Okura, Sheaf Semantics over the Étale Site. BSc (M). University of Vienna. Fall 2022.
Vít Jelínek, Categorical View of Monads in Computer Science. BSc (CS). Masaryk University. Summer 2022.
Other forms of supervision:
Lingyuan Ye, project for his Master studies on Givant categoricity theorem. MSc (M). Institute of Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam. Summer 2023.