Travel plans and Talks
Travel Plans
Categorical Logic and Higher Categories. 16 - 19 Dec (24).
Visiting Martino Lupini in Bologna. 6 - 10 Jan (25).
Visiting Luca Reggio in Milan. 13 - 17 Jan (25).
Teaching Categorical Logic in Beijing. 23 - 27 June (25).
Category Theory 2025. 14 - 19 July (25).
Bi-accessible and bipresentable 2-categories.
PSSL106, Brno, May 2022.
Formal Model Theory & Higher Topology.
Pittsburgh’s HoTT Seminar, Zoom, October 2020.
CT19, Edimburgh, July 2019.
The shape of water: Homotopical algebra and set functors.
MPI invited talk, Bonn, November 2018.
An axiomatic approach to Gabriel-Ulmer duality.
CT18, Ponta delgada, July 2018.